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CardBot Guides
Scanning Cards with Your CardBot
Scanning Cards with Your CardBot

Use the Web Control interface or CardCastle app to start scanning.

Seb Harrison avatar
Written by Seb Harrison
Updated over a week ago

You can start a scan session using the Web Control interface or the CardCastle app.

Web Control:

On the Web Control interface, click the Start button. You will see live stats update as your CardBot processes cards.

CardCastle App:

Once you have paired your app with your CardBot, load up to 1,000 cards into the center stack and tap the Start Scanning button. Too easy!

While your CardBot is scanning, you will see cards placed in either the left or righthand stacks. Successfully scanned and uploaded cards are placed in the righthand stack (hopefully all of them!). Any cards that fail to scan are placed in the lefthand stack.

You may want to set sorting rules/options to sort your cards while scanning. Find more information on sorting rules here or options here.

Scanned cards are instantly available in the Staging Area on the web platform. Learn how to process them here.

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