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Processing the Results from Your CardBot
Processing the Results from Your CardBot

Scanned cards are instantly available on the web platform.

Seb Harrison avatar
Written by Seb Harrison
Updated over a week ago

Once your CardBot is scanning away, head to the CardCastle web platform to process the results.

Log in at with the same credentials used to log in to the app that is paired with your CardBot and navigate to the Build page.

The scanned cards are listed in a Session in the Staging Area. Each time you start a scan, a new Session will be created. By default, cards are displayed in the order that they are in in the righthand stack (the most recent card scanned is on top). Refreshing the page will show the cards that have been scanned since the page last loaded, so refresh the page at the end of a scanning session to ensure the full list is there.

You can edit whether a card is foil, the condition of the card and the language it is printed in. By default, these are set to non-foil, Near Mint, and English respectively. You can set your own defaults for foil and condition for each scanning session in the Options tab in the app.

Once you are happy that the cards in the Staging Area are correct, you can export the list of cards for use with other platforms. Click the "Other Actions" button and select the file format you need, then click Send. We are working on adding in more formats - let us know if there's a specific format you need!

You can now add the cards in the Session to your collection. Click the Commit to Collection button for that Session.

Before the cards are added to your collection, a window will open with the option to add tags to all of the cards in the Session. Click on the empty tag box and type the tag you want to add or select from the autocompleted dropdown. Make sure to press Enter after typing in the tag (you'll know the tag will be applied if an X appears next to it and a new empty tag box appears).

Head to the Quick Start Guides or Advanced Guides section of our Help Center to learn more about managing your cards using the CardCastle platform.

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