While browsing your collection, you can set filters to display matching cards. This is useful for when you're looking for a particular kind of card but not necessarily a specific card. For example, if you were building a new deck and wanted to see all of your Blue/Black creature cards.
You can filter your cards based on:
card name
card type
set type
price range
card list
supertype (eg. legendary)
subtype (eg. creature type)
reserved list status
To set filters, click the Filters button in the top right of the screen when browsing your collection. This will open a window where you can select and set a filter or group of filters.
To add a filter, click "Select" under "Add Filter" and select the filter you need.
Each filter works as follows:
card name - type in names to the search bar
colour - 3 state filter buttons (described in detail below)
card type - 3 state filter buttons
rarity - 2 state filter buttons
tags - type in or select from the autocompleted dropdown menu, with an option to include or exclude all or specific tags
set - type in set names and select from the autocompleted dropdown menu
set type - type in types or select from the autocompleted dropdown menu
foil - select from the dropdown menu
price range - enter minimum and maximum values in each box
card list - select from the dropdown menu
condition - select from the dropdown menu
supertype - type in supertypes or select from the autocompleted dropdown menu
subtype - type in subtypes or select from the autocompleted dropdown menu
legality - select from the dropdown menu
reserved list status - select from the dropdown menu
The 3 state filter buttons work as follows (the 2 state rarity buttons work similarly except there is no crossed out option):
may include (greyed out) - if a filter is set to may include, displayed cards may or may not match. For example, if the red filter button is greyed out, red and non-red cards will be displayed.
βmust include (highlighted) - if a filter is set to must include, displayed cards must match. For example, if the creature filter button is highlighted, only creature cards will be displayed.
βmust not include (crossed out) - if a filter button is set to must not include, displayed cards will not match. For example, if the mythic rare filter button is crossed out, no mythic rare cards will be displayed.
The example above would display rare White/Red/x creature cards. White/Red/Blue, White/Red/Black creatures will be displayed but White/Red/Green creatures will not.
Clicking the "exclude unselected" option beneath each filter section will automatically set all may include filters to must not include filters. This is a quick way to ensure only cards that specifically match your criteria are displayed.
There is also an option to clear all filters - click the "Clear" button in the top right corner of the Collection page.